Friday, July 29, 2011

Hot Male Tyranophysicsaurusrex Next Door

      As I prepare to let HatShrapnel die, I need a new webspace to host my research stuff and resume, etc.  Basically all of the stuff I have been keeping at redacted .  I have been thinking about ScienceBebop or PhysicsBebop, something like that.  My eventual goal is to have a name that is attractive to the same type of crowd that would read League of Amazing Unemployed Scientists but still not off-putting to potential employers.  I appreciate your stylistic opinion and essentially want your best idea so I can steal it.

Dear Mark,

Your faith in my ability to select good names is entirely unfounded. Every time I struggle to create a title and that can often take longer than writing the article itself, as evidence by my awesome blog post name and mostly dumb, often wrong, and misspelt posts. That being said, I do have some suggestions that might help you.  

First of all, your ideas are based on a cartoon and you will regret it when you try and get your first job or turn thirty years old. You know, whichever comes first. 

Second, there are far too few adjectives and no real acronym potential going on here. For example, my blog name has at least three unnecessarily long adjectives that help define the website’s super-easy to remember acronym, FLOEAS. Make sure you pay attention, these little details are important.

I do like League of Amazing Unemployed Scientists, but you might want to consider rounding it out with an additional phrase to help with the acronym, maybe League of Amazing Unemployed Scientist Trendsetters (LAUST).

I had to break out the emergency physics website list for this – it was in a glass case. I really hope you appreciate all the work and effort that went into this list. You owe me a glass case now.


Bonus points if you can identify the source material for every one, some are surprisingly profound for obscure and FLOEASy reasons.

Also your school website does not work from Nevada. I assume that means it is blocked for our protection. Here in Nevada, a little knowing is bad for public safety. Speaking of public safety, protection, and Nevada, prostitution is legal here. This suggest an entirely different category of titles, here is a sample of titles that...a friend told me about. 


These ones might get somewhat more prolific readership and discoverability. I suggest you go with all of them. Good luck with the new website, I will read it often and pollute your comments section at every opportunity. 


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