One of the arguments to explain crazy is the following: "If tens of thousands of people per year see strange phenomena, creatures, ghosts and unidentified objects, is it possible that all these people can be wrong or imagining something?"
I enjoy listening to this podcast because it is entertaining and Benjamin Grundy and Aaron Wright do an exemplary job presenting their material. The way they handle music is perfect. That being said, a huge majority of the subject material is about as factual as Scooby Doo.
Their model is simple. Make a catchy, interesting, high quality podcast, update it religiously and give it away for free. Then make your money by selling an extended version for a monthly subscription. For that, I think these guys have made quite the accomplishment. There is no doubt in my mind that I would like to make my own version of this podcast model and take advantage of the amateur scientists population swelling in the seedy underbelley of the english-speaking world.
An intriguing idea.